

  1. 4/29 圖畫書, 繪本 10+
  2. 5/13 童話, 幻想故事 3+
  3. 6/3 少年小說 4+
  4. 6/17 知識性讀物, 其他 3+


  • 封面:指導老師, 課名, 姓名, 學號, 年級, 作業?, 完成/繳交時間
  • 書目資料:書名、作者、繪者、出版社、出版年代日期
  • 提早交啊啊
  • 喜歡或不喜歡都可以, 分享/批評
  • 可用 oral 抵掉一次
  • 書在書店, 圖書館, 老師研究室都可以取得


  • 4/15, 4/22 出國, 劉鳳芯老師代課




  • 故事簡介
    • 概要 / 背景
    • 第 2 或 3 集的介紹
  • 作者
    • 生平
    • 作品
    • 為什麼會寫這系列…
    • some FAQ entries on this


  • 閣樓上的怪書
















  • 魔石與蛤蟆精














* 森林精靈的祕密


  • 矮人國的魔咒

  • 魔王的陰謀



大概是因為 Harry Potter 太紅了,第一次看到這本書,就會不自覺得感覺它有模仿 Harry Potter 的想法在腦袋中。故事內容不長,不用半小時就看完了。翻開書的封面,會發現有張精美的地圖,告訴我故事中各個建築物的位置,也讓我在閱讀的過程中,能更完整的想像主角們在各個場景間的樣子。再往下翻,首先是封由三個小孩子寫給作者的信,透過信中的內容將故事引出來,雖然說這是第二集,卻一點也不感覺到突兀,也讓人能比較快進入劇情。

每次在看這種奇幻小說的時候,通常不太會有太多的插圖,其中故事的每個場景,就要靠自己來想像,而通常我都會拿些看過電影或者生活中的片段,來當作故事的場景,不過屌屌屌屌屌屌屌屌屌屌屌屌屌屌是 Harry Potter 的話,在看過電影之後,就會被電影影響,就失去了些樂趣,不過呢,我通常都是英文版一出就買來看,所以新故事還是要靠自己想像。我覺得這種書最大的樂趣除了故事本身以外,就是可以沈浸在自己的幻想世界中。

這集的故事感覺起來很像是 Harry Potter 裡面 Ron 被抓進 Forbidden Forest 的那段故事,不知道是作者受到 Harry Potter 的影響,還是我自己聯想太多了,不過我總覺得小朋友在看這本書的時候,多少都會跟 Harry Potter 扯在一起吧?作者把整個故事切成七個章節,每個章節都不長,不過張力蠻夠的,會讓人一口氣把他看完,中間的插畫還算不少,不過感覺上比較寫實,應該比較適合稍微大一點的小朋友看。不知道太小的小孩看了之後,會不會開始往窗外看去,然後想像著蛤蟆精對著他跑來。記得小時候很好笑,看了有點恐怖的電影或者故事之後,晚上關燈睡覺都會怕,不過我想這應該是很多人都有的經驗吧。



  • 發現家中的牆壁出現奇怪的小洞
  • 在傍晚或清晨看見有奇怪的影子閃過
  • 一個人在家時聽見細微的腳步聲
  • 在牆裏面或陰暗的角落傳來沙沙沙的聲音
  • 常常找不到橡皮擦,卻又在別的地方出現
  • 有時發現枕頭上有奇怪的痕跡
  • 作業簿上出現可疑的小髒點
  • 家裏的寵物突然對某個地方亂叫或攻擊
  • 放在房間的零食隔了一個晚上似乎變少了
  • 衣服不知不覺的破了一個小洞
  • 0-3個: 精靈可能還沒在你家定居,但要密切觀察,多擺放紅色的東西,可以使他們快點離開
  • 4-6個: 精靈已經住在你家某個角落,小心他最容易在晚上跑出來惡作劇
  • 7-8個: 你家絕對不只有一個精靈,記得11點之前趕快睡覺,聽到怪聲音時假裝咳嗽來嚇走他們
  • 9-10個: 趁你還沒被精靈攻擊前,趕快搬家吧!


  • 紅色是靈力最強的顏色,穿著紅色的衣服,可以抵禦精靈突如其來的壞念頭。
  • 掃除房間角落的蜘蛛網,灑下紅色細碎紙片。
  • 在家中若感覺背後有精靈尾隨,請每前進兩步就後退一步,提醒精靈你已發現他的存在,不過要注意,千萬別回頭!
  • 用鏡子反射清晨陽光,照射書桌7秒,可以避免精靈踩踏課本及書桌,還可避免文具遺失。
  • 用香香的肥皂清洗衣物。大部分精靈討厭肥皂香味,但森林精靈例外。


  • 風車是精靈喜歡的玩具,在花園或陽台的明顯位置擺放風車,最好自己做,精靈喜歡親手製作、樸實的物品。
  • 把床墊枕頭及棉被疊整齊,拍打數下,使其充滿空氣。一些愛彈跳的精靈特別喜愛細軟、如雲朵般的踏墊。
  • 在書桌上放置新鮮小餅乾,別隔夜,有時餅乾上會有咬嚙的小痕跡。


  • 荷莉‧布萊克 Holly Black

人稱”黑暗小姐”的我,荷莉‧布萊克,從小就會不小心聽到一些稀奇古怪的事。我小時候住在美國紐澤西州一棟–跟葛雷斯家孩子住的差不多—維多利亞式、陰暗又古老的大房子裡,我媽(…也是個古怪的人?)老愛跟我說一些精靈鬼怪的故事,想當然我的第一本小說講的就是一個現代精靈的故事。只是沒想到這麼多人也喜歡這種古里古怪、鬼裡鬼氣的故事!美國圖書館協會還頒給這本小說「年度最佳青少年讀物」獎?連紐約市立圖書館也頒了一個什麼「2002年最佳青少年讀物」!現在我跟我那嚇人的另一半西奧先生,住在紐澤西州的西長枝市(不蓋你….這真是個超級古怪的地方…連名字都很怪,不是嗎?),如果你想…最好不要啦!…但如果你還是想,可以透過 跟我聯絡。(ps.順便貢獻幾個精靈怪事會更好…)

Holly was born in a decrepit Victorian house in New Jersey. Her mother, a painter and doll-maker, fed her books on ghosts and faeries that formed much of her later views on the world. She also developed a fear of the dark. Nonetheless, Holly spent a happy childhood cooking up imaginary witches brews with her younger sister, Heidi, and tending to the needs of her pet rats.

Adolescence brought Dungeons & Dragons, punk rock, boys, and an unhealthy habit of reading book until 3 a.m. During this period, Holly wrote a lot of poetry, a play, and a very bad novel, entitled Knights of the Silver Sun. She also met Theo Black, a painter who was attending private school. They moved to Philadelphia together to attend college.

After graduating, Holly got a job in New York while working at night on an independent gaming magazine, d8. It was through d8 magazine that she met Tony DiTerlizzi. It was also during this period that she began her suburban fantasy novel, Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale. Tithe was published in October of 2002 and received starred reviews in Publisher's Weekly and Kirkus Reviews. Booklist called Tithe “dark, edgy, beautifully written, and compulsively readable.” A finalist for the Mythopoeic Award, Tithe was one of the ALA's Best Books for Young Adults and the New York Public Library's “Best 2002 Books for the Teenage.”

In Summer 2003, Holly and Tony collaborated on the New York Times bestselling Spiderwick Chronicles. This five-book series has been called “vintage Victorian fantasy” by the New York Post and Time Magazine reported that “the books wallow in their dusty Olde Worlde charm.” Also receiving starred reviews in Publisher's Weekly and Kirkus, the Spiderwick Chronicles have been translated into 27 languages worldwide.

Currently, she is working on a follow-up to Tithe, entitled Valiant, which is due out in Summer of 2005.

Today Holly lives at the bottom of a dead-end street with Theo, who she married in 1999. She is an avid collector of rare folklore volumes, spooky dolls, and crazy hats.

* 東尼‧狄特里奇 Tony DiTerlizzi 在我還沒幫精靈畫像以前,我的工作是畫電腦遊戲人物和場景,像是「龍與地下城」、「異域鎮魂曲」以及紙牌遊戲「魔法風雲會」這些聽起來滿詭異的東西。除了專畫古怪東西,我還是美國《紐約時報》的暢銷作家呢!不過我最愛的還是畫這些有的沒的,再配上一些文字。我也拿過獎喔~像是童書繪本就拿過美國薩塞蘭兒童文學獎(2002年)與凱迪克銀牌獎(2003年)。我也幫《魔戒》的作者托爾金和其他的奇幻作家安‧麥考菲莉等朋友畫過插畫。唉~說來我和怪物還真脫離不了關係,連我的狗都執意要取名小精靈(不過一隻哈巴狗取這個名字倒也滿配的就是…),我太太不喜歡被叫做”半獸人”….(她說叫安琪拉跟她才相配…真的嗎?)我住在美國麻州的阿默斯特, 是我的網站。無聊想看怪物的話,歡迎光臨!

FAQ entries

Q: Will there be more Spiderwick books?
A: A Spiderwick Notebook for Fantastical Observations (with some very short stories and activities) will be out June 2005 and Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You (huge and with many color plates) will be out November 2005. Although there may be other Spiderwick books, the story of Jared, Simon and Mallory's adventures has come to a close.

Q: When is the Spiderwick Movie coming out?
A: Although the Spiderwick movie is still moving forward with Paramount Pictures/Nickelodeon Films, there is no set release date. A lot depends on the availability of the director, how quickly the screenplay gets finished to the satisfaction of the studio, and lots of other factors. For more information on any pertinent movie developments, please check my journal and (look under "movie news.")

Q: I think I would be a great Mallory/Simon/Hogsqueal. How do I get cast?
A: I have no control over who will be cast in the Spiderwick movie. That will be up to the director and the producers. To get cast, you or your agent will need to send your head shots and pertinent information to Nickelodeon. At the present time, however, casting has not started.

Q: What about the Tithe movie? What's going on with that?
A: I have my fingers crossed for the Tithe movie at Henson Studios. Right now they are still trying to get a script with which they can move forward.

Q: Is your last name really 'Black'?
A: Yes. It is the name on my driver's license.

Q: Have you ever seen a ghost? A faerie?
A: No, but I'm the only in my family that hasn't. I keep hoping.

Q: Why the interest in faeries?
A: I think that I have an interest in faeries because more than any other supernatural creature, they seem to have escaped the confines of morality. They embody contradiction; their very nature is conflicted. They are both chaotic and bound by rules, sensual and chaste, cruel and kind. I wanted to have the opportunity to show the faeries that I pictured when I read folklore--the faeries that could inspire such fear in farmers that they would not even say the word "faerie." Faerie ballads are meant to be terrifying.

Q: When did you decide to be a writer?
A: Well, I think there were different stages of realizing I wanted to be a writer.   When I was in 4th grade, I decided to be a writer because my best friend was better at art.   When I was in 8th grade, I wanted to write a book just like the ones I was reading.   When I was in high school, I started to realize that it was all about writing a book that I wanted to read.   That's hard and I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to do that, giving up, and starting again.

I didn't think I could make a living as a writer, so I got a job in publishing and wrote on the side.   Eventually, I got serious enough to finally finish my book.   But even after I sold my first book, I couldn't quit my job.   It was only after one of my books started doing really well that I could afford to do this full time.   I'm 33 now (or I was when I updated this last) and I have only been a full-time writer for a year and a half.

Q: What advice do you have for young writers?
A: People ask me this a lot and here is what I usually say--read everything and write a lot.   I know it doesn't sound like much in the way of advice, but it actually is the best thing you can do.   Read whatever you can get your hands on--read about history and art and science, read mysteries and romances and literary fiction, read the backs of shampoo bottles, the creepy graffiti on coffeehouse bathroom walls, and the fortunes in fortune cookies.

For more specific questions about writing, please go to my writing resources page and take a look.

Q: How do you get your ideas?
A: Mostly, I get my ideas from things I am interested in.   There are things that I have been interested in for a long time, like faeries, and things that are brief obsessions, like Project Runway or competitive eating.   Both kinds of interests are great to draw ideas from (and give me a way to justify all the books I've bought on odd and previously useless topics).   I also draw ideas from my own experiences or what I wish those experiences had been. A story--and, even more, a novel--has many, many different ideas combined in it. 

Q: What was your inspiration for The Spiderwick Chronicles?
A: The letter and the story told to my by three kids who were a lot like Jared, Simon and Mallory Grace. It didn't matter to me if the story was true or not. I just wanted to retell it.

Q: So, is the story in The Spiderwick Chronicles true?
A: I don't know. I only know that the three kids Tony and I talked to seemed convinced and very convincing. In the retelling, I changed around some events to make what happened more exciting and to work better as five books, but I have tried to remain true to the important parts of the story we were told.

Q: Who wrote The Spiderwick Chronicles? Who illustrated them?
A: Tony and I decided to leave off credits on the books to reflect the way we collaborated. Basically we sat down together and talked about how we wanted to tell the story, then I went off to write and he went off to draw. We sent each other what we were working on throughout the process and continually inspired and critiqued each other. It was an intense and really fun way to work. I am looking forward to doing it again. 

Q: What is your favorite book that you wrote?
A: This changes as each new book comes out, but of all the Spiderwick books, I think my favorite is Book IV: The Ironwood Tree.   I like the dwarven world, I love the mechanical creatures, and I was very pleased with figuring out how the dogs would be defeated.   Also, I thought the cliffhanger ending was endless fun to write.

Of my YA books, right now (as of whenever it was I updated this last), I think my favorite is Valiant.   I really think I've learned a lot about writing and I hope that it shows. 

Q:   Will you look at my story, book or poem?
A: I would love to, but I really can't.   My lawyer told me that it was inadvisable because it might resemble something I'm working on.

Q: What is your position on fan art, fanfiction and the like?
A: I have no problem with it. Have fun. I love seeing fanart.

Q: Fill in the blanks: I am afraid of ______.
A: Zombies.

Q: Fill in the blanks: The most decadent thing I indulge in is _________.
A: Escargot, those little buttery snails.

Q: Fill in the blanks: ______ is so damn annoying.
A: Decaf.

Q: Do you have any secrets?
A: I have a bunch of faeries tattooed on my right thigh.
course/childrenbooks.txt · Last modified: 2007/03/06 13:54 (external edit)